Last updated: 12/16/2007 |
Cap'n Bob's East Nantmeal Air Photos -- Album I |
These albums are dedicated to our friends and neighbors in East Nantmeal Township. For those who aren't familiar with the area, East Nantmeal is a rural island surrounded by a sea of rampant and uncontrolled real estate development. My belief is that most of us have a very strong desire that it stay that way!
These photos were either taken by me from our old R22 with my good friend and pilot mentor John T. flying while I did the shooting, or by Dusty shooting from our R44 while I did the flying. They are in no particular order (simply by file name). Most were taken over East Nantmeal, but a few are from Warwick, Wallace, and other nearby townships. In any case, we hope you enjoy them, and we're looking forward to uploading more from time to time.