Flight to Cape May and Ocean City

Today was supposed to be an instrument lesson, but the weather was awful the last 5 or 6 days. Carl and I talked about what to do. Neither of us felt like instruction -- why not enjoy the day and go fly somewhere for jollies. Where to go? Why not Ocean City, NJ for lunch. But I wanted to stop at Cape May first so I could log the flight as cross country. Anyway, the first set starts with Cape May airport (WWD) and ends at Ocean City (26N).

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The next set is from the return to South Jersey. They start at the shore, cross some blueberry fields to the southwest of Hammonton, then the radio towers at Chiselhurst, Atco Dragway, and finally the home 'drome. The second picture is of what must a UFO! Actually, Philadelphia is obscurred by haze. There is a window on one of the buildings which shines when the sun is right. The reflection made it through the haze, even if nothing else did. The golf couse is Little Indian is Evesham, the school is one that some moron decided ought to be where airplanes fly low and turn overhead, the real expensive houses share the same problem -- I wouldn't want to live where airplanes go over at 500'!