12/02/00 Exploratory hike to the Deep Run bogs

When we started out it was clear, sunny, and crisp, probably not over freezing, with some wind. We drove from Carranza road to where Deep Run crosses the road from Atsion to Hampton Furnace. We bushwhacked up the west side of Deep Run, up to the northern end of the bogs. Along the way we were between a swamp and the bogs. Here's what it looked like, along with our crew of explorers. The final shot is the very northern-most part of the bogs.

Moss in swamp Ice on swamp water Swamp The exploration crew Northern part of bogs

We were going to try to take a path east over to the Ryder bogs, but it was too overgrown and wet to try. Instead we bushwhacked down the east side of the bogs and stopped for lunch. Here are some pictures of the bogs where we stopped.

Bogs Bogs Ice in bog Pitch pine cone

After lunch, we continued the bushwhack down the east side and came to the tracks. We crossed Deep Run on the railroad bridge, then bushwhacked up to the road which goes up the west side. Here we wimped out, and took the road back to the cars. For those who are interested, here's where we went.
